In the nostalgic spirit of the year, this was my journal entry 14 years ago:
9:55p.m. This day will go down in history. And not just for me, but for the entire world. I woke @ 6. Read scrip. We didn't get out to walking until 6:50 because we were waiting for Mandy & Jessica who wanted to join us. Today we ran for a bit. We went down by the Carriage ride place & beyond to a magnificent view of the river. Near the Statue Garden, Mandy & Jessica went on home. We 3 went in the Garden & collected leaves & flowers for our Botany prints in Pioneer Life. Came home & put my collection in books to be pressed. Went to breakfast & then to work.
It was near the end of work that I heard the Worldwide, country-shattering news: 2 planes had been hijacked & deliberately crashed into the 2 World Trade Center towers in New York City. Soon after, both buildings completely collapsed leaving unsurmountable turmoil, debris, casualties, etc. everywhere. Then it was learned that 2 other planes were hijacked. One ran in to Pentagon collapsing one wall & a fire still rages there. The other plane was headed for L.A. but crashed near Pittsburgh. Unbelievable devastation, fear, & anger in this horrific terrorist act. They say it's the worst since Pearl Harbor.
Reports & info. keep coming in. It's hard to keep track of everything. I think I would prefer to keep small tabs on the whole thing, but return to my purpose here in Nauvoo. I told Nathan in an e-mail that I'm glad I have such beautiful, spiritual, & peaceful surroundings here so that I can personally heal from this & watch the country heal. It is still very unbelievable. It looked too much like the movies & movies are fake. But this is real. To think that when I see the NYC skyline again, those 2 huge, identical twin towers will no longer be there.
Well, I had to pick up information throughout the day. All morning my feelings built up inside of me. I had an Eng. 430R meeting w/ Bro. Dahl. Then I finally had time to shower. Rel 390 (Teachings of J.S., Jr.) was @ 10:50. We were to have the Batemans' devotional @ 12 our time, but it was cancelled from today's events. BYU had a Prayer Assembly thing. We watched a Pres. Packer devotional from Nov. '93. Then the Academy gathered & had a prayer. It was then that I broke down. Mardie Jo was there for me. I needed her strength. I would have struggled much more today had she not been here. I called home to see if all was OK (of course, it was) & to talk to family. Only Andrew was there. I know he tried to comfort me as best as he could & I'm grateful.
I went to lunch & then we watched the news about "it." W/ everyone's comments & feelings being shared, I was able to stop focusing on my own worries. I started to cope w/ this & rely on my spiritual blessings to help me understand & accept what happened. I am doing much better. Talked to people in the Mailroom lounge for a bit. Had Choir @ 3:45. We sight read an arrangement of "How Great Thou Art" & "Here I Am, Lord." I liked both. We let out a little early, so I checked my e-mail. I got e-mails from Kiersten, Veronica, and Nathan :-)! I was very happy.
Went to dinner & then to work. Melanie quit her Tue. night shift to I could have it. Isn't that kind? I finished. Mardie Jo & I went to watch more news. Then I went & e-mailed Nathan of things I've learned & felt today. It was a good e-mail. I e-mailed Elise afterwards & told her that I put a lot of me in it. We learned at dinner that Andy's (guy here in the program) grandmother and aunt were on one of the planes that crashed into the W.T.C. I really didn't have it that bad compared to him.
I'm upstairs looking @ the temple. I'm remembering the peace of my present home & I'm given the assurance that our country will get through this & I believe we will be the better for it. We sang "God Bless America" in Rel 390 today & I heard "Where Can I Turn for Peace?" I know the Lord is w/ us & is watching over us. I know there were reasons for this. And I find comfort in the scripture I heard today: "Be Still, and Know That I am God." We are loved. We are watched over.
That One Time I Had to Chase my Taco
5 years ago
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