"And to this purpose"

"If people like to read their books, it is all very well, but to be at so much trouble in filling great volumes, which, as I used to think, nobody would willingly ever look into, to be labouring only for the torment of little boys and girls, always struck me as a hard fate; and though I know it is all very right and necessary, I have often wondered at the person's courage that could sit down on purpose to do it." (In other words: rambling analyses, opinions, ideas, views, and comments from an English major, Essay/paper-writing enthusiastic, Austen-loving Master Librarian on, well, Jane Austen...and a whole lot of other things, too.)

"Celebrated Passages are Quoted"

Heidi's favorite quotes

"What is it really like to be engaged?" asked Anne curiously. "Well, that all depends on who you're engaged to," answered Diana, with that maddening air of superior wisdom always assumed by those who are engaged over those who are not."— L.M. Montgomery

Friday, September 11, 2015

Remembering September 11, 2001 - 14 Years Ago

In the nostalgic spirit of the year, this was my journal entry 14 years ago:

9:55p.m. This day will go down in history. And not just for me, but for the entire world. I woke @ 6. Read scrip. We didn't get out to walking until 6:50 because we were waiting for Mandy & Jessica who wanted to join us. Today we ran for a bit. We went down by the Carriage ride place & beyond to a magnificent view of the river. Near the Statue Garden, Mandy & Jessica went on home. We 3 went in the Garden & collected leaves & flowers for our Botany prints in Pioneer Life. Came home & put my collection in books to be pressed. Went to breakfast & then to work.

It was near the end of work that I heard the Worldwide, country-shattering news: 2 planes had been hijacked & deliberately crashed into the 2 World Trade Center towers in New York City. Soon after, both buildings completely collapsed leaving unsurmountable turmoil, debris, casualties, etc. everywhere. Then it was learned that 2 other planes were hijacked. One ran in to Pentagon collapsing one wall & a fire still rages there. The other plane was headed for L.A. but crashed near Pittsburgh. Unbelievable devastation, fear, & anger in this horrific terrorist act. They say it's the worst since Pearl Harbor.

Reports & info. keep coming in. It's hard to keep track of everything. I think I would prefer to keep small tabs on the whole thing, but return to my purpose here in Nauvoo. I told Nathan in an e-mail that I'm glad I have such beautiful, spiritual, & peaceful surroundings here so that I can personally heal from this & watch the country heal. It is still very unbelievable. It looked too much like the movies & movies are fake. But this is real. To think that when I see the NYC skyline again, those 2 huge, identical twin towers will no longer be there.

Well, I had to pick up information throughout the day. All morning my feelings built up inside of me. I had an Eng. 430R meeting w/ Bro. Dahl. Then I finally had time to shower. Rel 390 (Teachings of J.S., Jr.) was @ 10:50. We were to have the Batemans' devotional @ 12 our time, but it was cancelled from today's events. BYU had a Prayer Assembly thing. We watched a Pres. Packer devotional from Nov. '93. Then the Academy gathered & had a prayer. It was then that I broke down. Mardie Jo was there for me. I needed her strength. I would have struggled much more today had she not been here. I called home to see if all was OK (of course, it was) & to talk to family. Only Andrew was there. I know he tried to comfort me as best as he could & I'm grateful.

I went to lunch & then we watched the news about "it." W/ everyone's comments & feelings being shared, I was able to stop focusing on my own worries. I started to cope w/ this & rely on my spiritual blessings to help me understand & accept what happened. I am doing much better. Talked to people in the Mailroom lounge for a bit. Had Choir @ 3:45. We sight read an arrangement of "How Great Thou Art" & "Here I Am, Lord." I liked both. We let out a little early, so I checked my e-mail. I got e-mails from Kiersten, Veronica, and Nathan :-)! I was very happy.

Went to dinner & then to work. Melanie quit her Tue. night shift to I could have it. Isn't that kind? I finished. Mardie Jo & I went to watch more news. Then I went & e-mailed Nathan of things I've learned & felt today. It was a good e-mail. I e-mailed Elise afterwards & told her that I put a lot of me in it. We learned at dinner that Andy's (guy here in the program) grandmother and aunt were on one of the planes that crashed into the W.T.C. I really didn't have it that bad compared to him.

I'm upstairs looking @ the temple. I'm remembering the peace of my present home & I'm given the assurance that our country will get through this & I believe we will be the better for it. We sang "God Bless America" in Rel 390 today & I heard "Where Can I Turn for Peace?" I know the Lord is w/ us & is watching over us. I know there were reasons for this. And I find comfort in the scripture I heard today: "Be Still, and Know That I am God." We are loved. We are watched over.